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We believe in the power of commons.

Story of us

The nature of our global and societal problems has changed. As Prof. Kees Dorst from University of Sydney mentioned, these problems are more open (without borders or uncertain), complex (with many elements and relationships), dynamic (within time and rapidly changing) and network-based (inter-organizational), than ever.

Education is one of these multidimensional problems. Although the proportion of the population who received school education is at its highest in history, the education and school systems fall short in the world and in Turkey to raise individuals who have the knowledge, skills and values ​​to manage our complex problems. 


Education fails to provide an effective response to building a common future.


However, it is too big to let it fail. 

Our observations and experience in education have made us think about collective solutions every day for a long time now. Since 2020, our discussions around the question of “How can we mobilize the collective mind in education by bringing together the expertise from different fields, curious and creative minds?” have matured and eventually gave birth to InCommon.


Our belief, excitement and curiosity for the value of education encouraged us to follow  new approaches and methodologies. We know we cannot -and never meant to- walk alone in this road. Believing in the power of commons, we, InCommoners, are committed bring the know-how and know-who together in order to shift educational paradigms for a sustainable and peaceful world. 


Our approaches are supported by several disciplines but mostly inspired by open and collaborative design methodologies.

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