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We are a community of fellows who think differently, act collectively for education.

While Studio InCommon focuses solely on education, Fellows InCommon's expertise is not limited to education. Fellows, all from different backgrounds and areas of expertise, come together to form a team to create the most accurate mix of knowledge and experience for our each partner's journey. Joining together to activate the collective mind with curiosity and creativity, the team works together in the hope of a new and better discovery than originally intended.

Map of Fellows and Areas of Expertise

Click on the map below to see the areas of expertise of Fellows InCommon.


Tools We Use to Mobilize Collective Mind

1 / Panel

It is InCommon's problem-solving interaction tool. The studio frames a problem or need from any "stakeholder InCommon", turns it into a design question, and shares it with fellows through the panel. Using several synchronous and asynchronous co-design tools fellows collaborate to solve the problem. Studio also forms a team of fellows who lead the problem solving process.

2 / Forum

It is InCommon's interaction tool for discussion and new idea generation. Fellows come together on online and in person platforms to discuss and generate ideas in a structured and collective way.

3 / Librarium

It is InCommon's interaction tool for knowledge dissemination. It will facilitate the dissemination of the ideas generated by InCommon fellows.

4 / Symposium

It is the annual event to bring together Fellows InCommon in a face-to-face environment, with different Stakeholders InCommon to celebrate, revive and reproduce.

Fellows InCommon

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